Egg White for Weight Loss

Eggs are a breakfast staple in almost every household but when it comes to losing weight egg whites are given preference over whole eggs. Egg white is the yolk free part of egg and is rich in easily absorbable proteins. Also, egg white is significantly low in calories. That makes egg white for weight loss an ideal weight loss super food. Like many other weight loss diet plans, the egg white diet for weight loss is gradually scaling the heights in the popularity meter. A standard egg white diet to lose weight fast will consist in a diet comprising of only the thick, heavy clear substance surrounding the yolk. The yolk of the egg is rich in cholesterol and thus, isn’t considered a wise food option especially when you are trying to lose weight. Egg white, on the other hand, comprises of 10% proteins & 90% water.

If you are desperate to lose weight fast, adhering strictly to an egg white diet for weight loss can help. To speed up the results of such a diet plan, you can also take Garcinia Cambogia weight loss pills alongside. By following the egg white weight loss diet plan and by taking Garcinia weight loss supplements regularly, you can actually drop your excess pounds quite remarkably!

Weight loss benefits of egg whites

The chief egg white benefits weight loss is as follows:
  • Egg white is the protein dense part of the egg. When you are taking sufficient proteins in the form of egg whites, you are actually helping in curbing hunger and appetite. When your hunger is curbed, you tend to eat less. Eating less stands for consuming fewer calories and that of course helps in healthy weight management.
  • Secondly consuming the protein rich egg whites can give a big boost to your metabolism and cause you to burn more calories.
  • Thirdly, egg whites can help in building lean muscle mass and help in preventing muscle wasting; a common side effect of weight loss pursuits.
  • Egg whites are low in calories and are ideal to be included in daily weight loss diet as egg whites won’t cause you to pack in extra calories.
Best egg white recipes for weight loss

1 Egg white omelets
Omelet is a delicious egg recipe. It is out-and-out filling, tasty and healthy. The good thing is that you can prepare an omelet out of only the egg white too. To prepare soft, fluffy egg white omelet for weight loss you first need to whisk the egg white thorough in a bowl after adding a pinch of black pepper and salt to it. To make the egg white omelet more colorful and filling you can toss in some diced tomatoes, green peas and shredded spinach and onions to the egg white mix. Once the mix is ready just fry the omelet in a pan using only few drops of white oil.

2 Egg white bhurji
Break egg, remove the yolk and whisk the egg white thoroughly in a bowl. Next add chopped onions, tomatoes, grated ginger and minced garlic to a skillet and lightly fry in oil, add cumin seeds, spice powders and then the beaten egg white to the skillet. Stir and fry until the bhurji turns dry. Garnish with chopped coriander and enjoy fuming hot!

3 Egg white toast
Bring in a healthy twist to your conventional French toast by using only the egg white for coating the bread slices. Use brown bread only to prepare the healthy egg white French toast. Dip the brown bread slices in egg white seasoned with black pepper and salt. Lightly fry the brown bread dipped in egg white using only few drops of oil to get crispy golden brown egg white toasts.

4 Egg white muffins
Instead of whole egg you’ll be using only the egg white in these healthy muffins. Use ragi or oats flour, egg whites, low calorie sweeteners and nuts to make the perfect cup cakes or muffins that you enjoy with tea or coffee.


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