Intermittent Fasting for weight loss

The urgency to drop the excess pounds has led to the emergence of a number of diet plans & approaches. Intermittent fasting is one among the many prevailing weight loss approaches. If you are looking for some practical weight loss solution, intermittent fasting indeed happens to be one of the most effective weight loss tools. Intermittent Fasting may be defined as a pattern of timed eating and fasting. It actually consists in cycling between a specific time span of eating and a specific time span of fasting.
According to research, intermittent fasting is a scientific approach that comes with multiple benefits for both brain & body. It can put an end to chronic diseases, boost brain function, memory & energy levels. More than these, intermittent fasting stands out as a potent tool for quick weight loss and steady healthy weight maintenance. This weight loss measure known by the name of ‘intermittent fasting’ can fast-track weight loss for you by forcing your body to use up the stubborn for energy during the fasting periods. The process also lets you consume fewer calories and furthermore, rewires your body’s metabolism.

To get maximum benefits out of intermittent fasting, you need to know more about this approach in details….Read on to learn more:\

Things to know before you start off with intermittent fasting
Before you start off with intermittent fasting, here are certain things you should know:
       The quality of food you eat during the non-fasting periods matters a lot. Taking single ingredient, whole foods can help you see good results soon.
  Sticking to the intermittent fasting method is important. You need to follow it consistently if you wish to see results.
       When you eat during the non-fasting phases, make sure not to overeat. Calorie count still matters and if you end up eating a whole lot of calories, you’ll actually nullify the results of the non-eating phases.
       Intermittent fasting will try your patience and you have little to do about it. Don’t give up. Your body needs time to adjust to the new eating pattern or protocol.
       Intermittent fasting can prove to be quite beneficial for you only if you are a well-nourished, healthy person. If you are suffering from issues such as low blood pressure, diabetes, anemia, eating disorders, this weight loss method is not meant for you. Even pregnant women and lactating moms should never opt for intermittent fasting for weight loss.
       If you have a health condition and still wish to embark on the journey of intermittent fasting, you must consult your doctor prior to starting off.
       There are different types of intermittent fasting methods and it is always wise to stick to any one particular method for at least a month prior to trying another.
       For maximizing the results of intermittent fasting, you need to maintain high intake of fluids, mainly water or also any type of zero calorie beverage during the fasting periods.
What type of intermittent fasting is best for you?
Intermittent fasting can be done in four different ways and you are to choose the way that suits your preferences as well as your body constitution the best possible way. The various methods are listed below:
1.    Eat-Stop-Eat Method
This method is the brainchild of Brad Pilon. In this method, one needs to fast for 24 hrs two times in a week. But the 24 hrs fasting must be done on non-consecutive days.
2.    Warrior Diet Method
This method is the brainchild of Ori Hofmekler. In this method, one is allowed to eat anything one wishes for a span of 4 hours in a day. The rest of the 20 hrs needs to go without eating or eating very negligible amount of foods.
3.    Leangains
This method is the brainchild of Martin Berkhan. In this method, females are allowed to eat for 10 hrs of a day and fast for the remaining 14 hrs while males are allowed to eat for 8 hrs of a day and fast for the remaining 16 hrs.
4.    Alternate Day Fasting
Alternate Day Fasting, also known as 5: 2 method, is fasting for 2 non-consecutive days in a week and eating calorie controlled diet for rest of the 5 days in the week.
Weight loss benefits of intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting is an effective weight loss measure because of the following reasons:
1.    It kick-starts the phenomenon of Ketosis 
Intermittent fasting is a shortcut route to the state of Ketosis. Ketosis is a biological phenomenon in which the body, after using up the glucose for energy, moves on to use the stored fat reserves for supplying body with energy. That leads to fat combustion and significant weight loss. To double the results of Ketosis, it is ideal for you to consume a Keto diet during the non-fasting phases.
2.    It speeds up metabolism
Intermittent fasting speeds up metabolism remarkably. It not only speeds up metabolism of fats but also of glucose and proteins. Apart from speeding up normal metabolism, intermittent fasting also speeds up resting metabolism. This implies that when you are on intermittent fasting you’ll burn more fat than usual as you’ll burn fat even when you are resting or not doing any activity. Intermittent fasting also leads to a spike in the levels of hormones like noradrenaline & adrenaline that trigger stored fat burning during fast to keep up the energy supply.
3.    It reduces the insulin levels
Intermittent fasting impacts insulin levels in a two-fold way. Firstly, it increases the levels of adiponectin which in turn improves insulin sensitivity and helps in weight management. Secondly, intermittent fasting lowers the levels of fasting insulin and lowered fasting insulin gears your body towards the burning down of stored fat reserves.
4.    It lessens inflammation
Intermittent fasting has a positive impact on inflammation and that plays a key role in reversing your obesity. Too much of body fat can lead to expansion of fat cells and inflammation of fat tissues which pave the way for weight gain. By keeping inflammation at bay, you can keep the extra weight at bay too.
5.    It brings down bad cholesterol levels
Reduction in the levels of bad cholesterol such as VLDL & LDL may not have direct connection with weight loss but in most cases, the people who are obese usually suffer from dangerously high levels of bad cholesterol and that puts them at the risk of fatal cardiovascular diseases. If the levels of bad cholesterol are reduced, you can actually battle with obesity in a healthy & effective way.

