Loss Tips at Home
is a gripping problem in the life of many worldwide. Putting on weight takes no
time but losing it seems the most difficult task of this world to many.
from having serious consequences on your health Obesity or the condition of
being ‘overweight’ can impact you psychology adversely too. It may give a
smashing blow to your confidence and make you a social recluse in just no time.
Many perceive their obesity as one of the biggest curses and go about spending
many bucks on expensive gym memberships and slimming pills.
Losing weight however can come easy if you are
ready to make few small & simple dietary, lifestyle & workout routine
tweaks. A combination of all these tweaks can contribute to a healthy weight
loss for you. In other words, you can slim down quietly and peacefully at home
itself without investing in costly measures provided you are wise enough to
take the right steps…
Here are some simple weight loss tips
for you to try at home…Read on to learn:
light will let you achieve the much needed calorie deficit that’s considered a
must for weight loss. So, never overeat. Try to quench your hunger pangs with
nutritious homemade juices and soups that are light, filling and tasty all at
the same time. In other words, a heavy meal is a strict ‘No-No’ for serious
weight watchers.
healthy snacks at home
you are on a weight loss diet, hunger pangs may strike you any time. So, you
need to keep your healthy snacks near at hand. If you have healthy snacks
ready, you’ll never go for the unhealthy ones. Let go the unhealthy fried
snacks like chips or sugary ones like candies, muffins and bring in the healthy
weight loss-friendly ones such as dark chocolate, hard boiled eggs, roasted
chana, roasted peanuts, yoghurt etc.
for walks
Walking is one of the simplest weightloss exercises and is quite effective too. But, most of us tend to overlook the
weight loss benefits of walking. According to researchers, 30 minutes of brisk
walk regularly can let you burn as much as 150 calories and more. So, make it a
point to go for walks regularly to burn out those unwanted calories!
use lifts
we have a tendency to avoid stairs and choose lifts or elevators. But, climbing
stairs is one of the best weight loss aerobic workouts and helps you burn
considerable amount of fats 60 minutes of stair climbing session each day can
make you burn as much as 532 calories per session.
starve yourself
most cases, people trying to lose weight fast practice exhaustive dieting and
in the process, deprive their body of essential nutrients. But, you need to
keep in mind that you cannot fight the battle against obesity with an
impoverished body. Nutritional support is very much needed when you are trying
to drop your extra pounds. Without nutritional backup you cannot boost your
body’s metabolic rate. Moreover sacrificing food at some point of the day may
urge you to overeat later during the day.
up your foods
food as per scientific research controls your appetite to a large extent. So,
include hot cayenne pepper generously in your diet. A compound called Capsaicin
in Cayenne Pepper can promote fat burning through a process called
thermogenesis. Thermogenesis produces heat in your body internally and that
promotes fat burning.
home cooked meals
and pre-packaged meals are very much a rage now but such meals are actually the
culprits. Such meals are high in sodium, unhealthy fat and preservatives and
really very fattening. So, to lose your extra pounds you need to get into the
habit of eating only fresh, home-cooked meals.
Feast on proteins
Proteins are the key nutrients for efficient weight management.
Your body takes time to digest proteins and spends about 80 to 100 more
calories per day to metabolize the proteins you consume. The result is a
slimmer body, a curvy waistline and a flatter belly! Some examples of
protein-rich foods are eggs, chicken, red meat, yoghurt, cheese, milk, fishes
Feast on veggies
Vegetables of every kind should be
included in your diet generously. Vegetables are rich in fiber and fiber is
needed for healthy weight management. According to a study published in the
journal ‘Nutrition Reviews’, increase in the consumption of fiber-rich foods
could aid in weight loss by suppressing your appetite. Fiber also cleanses your
gut and boosts digestion thereby helping assimilate nutrients from food in a
much better way.
Drink water
Make it a point to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. Water
hydrates your body and speeds up metabolism significantly. According to recent
findings your metabolism can increase by 30% post drinking of 0.5 liters of
water. Furthermore, it has been declared that drinking a glassful of water 30
minutes before mealtime could cause you to take fewer calories at meal.
Avoid ‘fizzy’ Drinks
Fizzy drinks are loaded with sugar and
thus, are full of empty calories. Drinking Fizzy Drinks can increase the fat
content of your body and make you blow out of proportion in shape and size. So,
avoid fizzy or carbonated drinks and rely only on the freshly extracted fruit
juices you can make at home.
Closed the doors to refined carbs
Refined Carbs are the worst enemy for
weight loss. So, avoid consuming refined carbs like white bread, pasta, white
rice, pastries, added sugars, soda, breakfast cereals, sweets etc. Thus,
refined carbs are a strict No-No for healthy weight management.
Eat slowly
Eating slowly stands for chewing your
food thoroughly and converting it into a mushy lump prior to swallowing. Eating
slowly gives your brain the needed time to realize that your tummy is full now
and you don’t want any more…your brain actually needs some amount of time to
realize that and eating hurriedly could end you up packing in many extra
calories within the time taken by your brain to realize that you have already
eaten to your stomach’s fill. Several researchers have shown that eating slowly
could stimulate the production of fullness hormones in your body and suppress
your appetite.
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