Apple Benefits: An Apple a day keeps the weight away.

An Apple a day can keep weight gain at bay. It is the healthiest incredible popular fruit available for weight loss. People who had an apple before a meal consumed fewer calories overall than those who didn’t. They are known to prevent excess belly fat. 
“Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces I would still plant my apple tree.”- Martin Luther
Apples contain a lot of water. A medium-sized apple contains around 85% of water & 4 gm of fiber. (Excellent food to be placed in daily diet plans with extremely high fiber content given the low-calorie content of apples)Generally, water-rich foods are quite filling, which often leads to reducing calorie intake & it also lowers the energy density of the food.

Energy Density = No of calories in weight of food (kcal/gm)
 As the energy density of water is 0 kcal/g, it doesn’t add any calories to food. It holds good with respect to apples, as it contains plenty of fiber & water. They boost the metabolic rates and reduce the risk of heart disease & even regulate the blood sugar levels by regulating the release of sugar.  So including apples in a well-balanced and healthy diet may indeed be useful for weight loss.
Antioxidant polyphones & pectin fiber present in apples reduce levels of unhealthy LDL cholesterol. They are also packed with several antioxidants, vitamin, and minerals that promote healthy bones, teeth, and skin.
Other Benefits of Apple:
Helps in good digestion: Apples are available in various colors. Both red & green apples contain malic acid, which promotes good digestion. Apples are available in various colors. Both red & green apples contain malic acid, which promotes good digestion.  If you are not able to absorb food properly & assimilate the nutrients then the body won’t be able to process & eliminate waste efficiently which leads to poor digestion & results in weight gain & slows down the metabolic rate. So for good digestion, Apples play a vital role.
Low Glycemic Index: They are low in glycemic index, which maintains the blood sugar levels in the body & helps in reducing weight.  The low-glycemic-index diet may help in preventing heart disease, some cancers & diabetes.
 Improves heart health: As antioxidants, this fiber-rich fruit reduces the risk of heart disease. Some of the research & studies have proved that eating apple lowers the risk of death from heart disease.
Anti-Cancer Effects:  Certain type of cancers can be prevented by the intake of apples. The antioxidant-rich fruit helps in preventing lung cancer & apple a day significantly reduce the risk of throat, breast, ovarian & colon cancer. 
 Helps to Alzheimer’s: Consuming apple juice helps in the functioning of the brain. It prevents Alzheimer’s disease. It is important for optimal brain function.
Bottom line: Eat Apple a day & lose weight naturally!
Rich in nutrient density, Apples improve the overall diet quality & reduce the risk of obesity in children too. It’s a good source of water, nutrients & antioxidants. Several healthy substances of apples may contribute to fullness and reduced calorie intake. One of the best ways to lose fat naturally is by consuming apple & intake of naturally processed supplements such as Garcinia Cambogia.
